Episode 62: Having Deep Compassion For Your Healing Journey & Health Coaching Training with The Institute for Integrative Nutrition
Episode 62: Having Deep Compassion For Your Healing Journey & Health Coaching Training with The Institute for Integrative Nutrition
“Health coach training is learning how to put your own oxygen mask on first, so that you can serve other people.” — Carla Contreras
This podcast episode is deep dive into the process behind me recommitting to my physical health. I talk about my smoothie prep routine & I also share about my love of Brodo bone broth and how it’s the ultimate fast food when I make my Green Smoothie Soup
I share my struggle with my movement and how I see it as a lesson in compassion and empathy for myself and for others. I then lean on the question of, “how can I support myself though this.” Note: I joined in person Pilates classes last week to help keep me accountable.
This realization was in aligned with The Institute for Integrative completely revamping their program that I completed online back in 2010. I decided that it was the prefect time to re-do the program. Health and wellness has change so much in the last 12 years.
I am excited to go on the journey and rediscover what I feel in love with the IIN program. I also chat about the 5/5 Method which has now become the Show Up Fully Method: Rest, Deep Nourishment, Movement, Mindfulness, and Water. I just launched the Show Up Fully Refresh learn more about the program, I hope you will join me!
Journal Prompts:
1. How can you be compassionate to yourself?
2. What are the three things you can do to you support yourself and your healing journey?
3. Pick one of them and start working on it. Get the Show Up Fully Journal to support you.
4. Do you need support in making that happen?
I am excited to hear your thoughts! Listen on ITUNES + Spotify Please tag me @chefcarlacontreras on Instagram so I can continue the conversation with you. Use the hashtag #showupfullypodcast
Eat Well,
xo Chef Carla
PS: Curious about my Health Coach journey? Listen to this episode.
The Institute for Integrative Nutrition: This program has been revamped and is brand new as of Spring ‘22. Learn from 95+ visiting faculty, coaches, and guides. Be empowered to find the diet and lifestyle practices that work for you. Understand how to coach others to experience personal transformation. Find balance in all areas of your life.
FREE CLASS: Plus my alumni discount on your tuition Sign up
Email me directly for your bonuses hello@carlacontreras.com
Note: I am a proud affiliate of IIN, I receive a small percentage of the sales. I appreciate your support of my small Latinx & women owned business.
About Chef Carla Contreras
For the last 24 + years, I’ve worked as a trained chef in: Restaurants, hotels, as a chef instructor at three culinary schools, and personal chef in New York City.
Since 2013, I have been sharing my gift of content creation with publications and brands like Better Homes and Gardens, The Wall Street Journal, Shape Magazine, justBobbi.com, Nutritious Life, Well + Good.
In my personal brand, I not only show up for the hard things, I own them and then share them with the world, like my $38,000 lesson I learned in my business and evolution of a Digital Entrepreneur over the last ten years.
In my online courses, I bring my years of experience as a trained chef, content creator, health and life coach, and meditation teacher to help you with you shift mindset around cooking & the content creation process. Learn more here
Find + Work With Carla:
Online Courses & Book: Learn more here
Instagram: @chefcarlacontreras
Full Transcript:
Hey it’s cehf Carla and welcome to show up fully. This is a podcast where I share what it's like to show up for your real life if you don't know me I'm a food stylists photographer and health coach. You can find me @itscarlacontreras Instagram and more information in today's show notes this episode is in partnership with IIN the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. You can find more about their health coach training program a free class and my alumni discount in the show notes this episode is about becoming. Your own healer now I want to preface this I am not a doctor or a trained medical professional I am a health coach and a life coach and I also firmly believe that there is a time and a place for doctors therapists. Coaches and healers. But if you are feeling the call to work on and heal yourself this episode is for you I started to feel a ping or. You know an intuitive hit or your spidey sense. Whatever you want to call it in March to work on my physical health. So I'm like all right I'm going to up my smoothie routine and what does that mean like I prep all of my smoothie ingredients I love. Chia seeds and collagen and mockup powder now. That's not for everybody and matcha and my smoothie I ditched the banana in my smoothie and started using riced cauliflower. It's delicious I'll put my smoothie guide in the show notes I also started to. Recommit to drinking bone broth. So I make this green smoothie soup. It's brodo which I order. It's delicious broto bone broth I love the hearth which is a mixture of different bone broths and I also. Love the chicken and I think there's a shiitake mushroom one. That's vegan. That's delicious as well. So I blend that with coconut milk and ginger and a little bit of miso and it's literally like the ultimate fast food I'll put that recipe in the show notes as well. So I started. Do all of these things to kind of like work on my health because I just felt a call like all right. It's time to work on my physical health and my movement practice also started to shift and I started after the kids go to bed I have two kids if you don't know this they are.
7 and almost six and I started to do restorative yoga at the end of the night like I have a peloton and there are restorative yoga classes and I love the ones in spanish. Um. Incredible and it's just like such a beautiful way to decompress and to heal at the end of the night and to reset and so I started to do that and I'm like wow like I'm doing a lot of different things for my physical health right now and what I started to notice and it's interesting. You know. Maybe you notice this too is like as you start to work on things you know, maybe you'll see an Instagram post or you'll see a newsletter or you'll listen to a podcast like this and guess what they're working on the same things that you're working on so I started to see posts about like. Working on putting more greens in my diet I'm working on ditching sugar I'm working on my physical health I just hired a trainer and I I actually posted a story about having the struggle moving my body now I am a daughter of a trainer. My mom was a trainer in the eighty s. I have literally always moved my body pregnant with my kids nine months pregnant moving my body like I have moved my body my entire life but I felt like I don't know January february like I just. My movement practice was just not as consistent and not there and I didn't feel really like moving my body so much and it's interesting to me because I'm a person that I feel like when people say oh I have a hard time motivating to work out like I didn't identify with that and. You know I empathize with with them of course and I hear them and I listen to them but I've never experienced it myself so this was the first time that I've really experienced it and wow do I have such an understanding of what it's like to not want to move to. Not want to move your body to really you know not be motivated to move and I feel like that was a lesson for a reason because I needed to experience that in order to have deep empathy and understanding for other people and. There are challenges you know and also to have deep compassion for myself like this is the biggest lesson I feel like I've learned in the last couple of months to have deep compassion for my own healing journey and to be really, you know.
Graceful to give myself grace about not wanting to move about you know, recommitting to drinking my smoothies drinking my bone broth you know into eating tons of veggies because that's when I feel my best and how can I be so. Supported in supporting myself like I know that sounds a little meta right now but like how can I support myself through this and I again literally I swear this is in such incredible alignment totally redid and revamped the program. That I took back in and twenty ten and they offered it to alumni before they offered it to the public and they're like hey here's a sneak peek of this and this is what we're we're doing and. You know I saw it like a couple days before it launched and I was like you know what? I think I'm gonna do this program again I think that I and actually I don't think I know that health and wellness has changed evolved and grown so much. Since 2010, we're in 2022 right now. How much has it changed. You know? Yes, ah are the basics there. Eat veggies, drink water sleep like those move your body be mindful. Actually that's the 5 out of 5. That's my 5 out of 5 method rest deep nourishment movement mindfulness and water. Those are my 5 things that I focus on and those have been my guiding light since 2019 I had a health meltdown back in 2019 and what does a health meltdown mean. It means that I worked myself to the bone and I wanted a way to move forward. So in 2018 I worked for six months without a day off but 19 I entered that year picking 2 words for my business rest. And deep nourishments and those words became just a guiding force in my life and then I added ris brass deep nourishment movement mindfulness and water I added all of those things. So if you're listening to this like and you're you're thinking about doing the 5 out of 5 I have a journal. It's in the top of my website I will put it in the show notes. It's called the show up fully journal because I've changed the 5 out of 5 method to really call it the show up fully method because I feel like it's easier than saying 5 out of 5 and it confuses people sometimes if I'm wrong. Let me know but I've been calling it show up fully method.
So I have a free journal that teaches you about that and I break down the process of like focus on rest first or deep nourish first whatever speaks you focus on 1 thing at a time and then add things on so I feel like those words guided me. Through 2019 through 2020 through 2021 and then it got like a little murky. It got a little murky when I got covid in December of twenty twenty one I got so sick. And my kids had it for like a day or two ed you know had like minor aches but I was sick for a full eight weeks and I feel like it's no coincidence that in 2018 when I worked for six months without a day off I was sick for. Full eight weeks I feel like this is the universe is way of reminding me of the 5 out of 5 of reminding me that I am a trained health coach that I do know how to heal myself that I do know the answers and. I feel like going through Ian's health coach training program for the next six months is going to be a beautiful reminder that I know the answers that the answers are inside me and this is where I'm gonna flip this. And and ask you these questions because in health coach training back in 2010 they taught us like ask your client. What are the 3 things that you know that you can do for your health right now. So I'm going to ask you that question. What are the 3 things that you know right now without like getting out of journal I mean you can I I actually I'll put journal prompts in the show notes for you. But what are the 3 things that you can work on right now and I would pick one of those. And I guarantee that those are going to be part of the show up fully method. It's going to be rest deep nourishment movement mindfulness or water. It's going to be 1 of those things and I feel like and I go into this in the journal deep nourishment can can mean a lot of different things. Rest can be a mean a lot of different things. So I'm going to challenge you to figure out what is that 1 thing that you can work on and work on it and send me a Dm on Instagram I want to know send me an email and I just put in my newsletter I have a whatsapp text message.
Send me a text message. Let me know with that one other thing is what are you going to work on and if this episode has spoken to you like hey I want to learn more about this health coaching thing I want to heal myself I want to work on myself because that's what health coaching is. Health coaching really is you being your first client you really focusing on yourself first. So that you can help others. It's kind of like when they you know have the airplane and the oxygen mask and you know it's like put on your own mask first. This is exactly the same concept. It's literally health coaching is putting your own mask on first so that you can serve other people I am here for you any questions any comments if this ah episode has resonated with you. I would love if you could share it as an email a text message an Instagram story if you're interested in I n again my alumni discount and the free class and more information is in the show notes I'm sending you and yours so much. Love bye.