Episode 61: Loving Yourself & Tuning Inwards with Astrologer Sofia Adler
Episode 61: Loving Yourself & Tuning Inwards with Astrologer Sofia Adler
“Astrology helps you remember that everything is working out for you… we are all divinely guided.”
— Sofia Adler
I can’t wait for you to LISTEN to this podcast with Sofia Adler. Put your headphones on and listen now!
Sofia Adler is an astrology consultant who demystifies astrology so you can co-create with the stars, and design a unique, authentic life with ease. Sofia interprets astrology into actionable insights and practical, tangible steps for her clients.
Our conversation starts with Sofia telling us how she uses astrology for living a life of ease, and using the support that you have around you, which includes the cosmos. She shares that she never though that she would become an astrologer but she said “it was the teacher that was waiting for me.”
Sofia shares that, “I have always been one to lean in to go with the flow, rather than resisting.” And that’s what astrology does, it makes things easier and less complicated, more in alignment, and more in flow. “The cosmos are waiting for us if we are willing to listen.”
Sofia shares what Showing Up her means to her. “For me, it’s tuning inwards, it is the opposite of what I think people and expect when they hear the words Showing Up.” The way she interprets this is how do you honor what your soul choose for you in this life and the bigger picture of why you are here?
Sofia asks the important question of, “Who are you showing up for?” She also explains how your birth chart and your cosmic code is a roadmap for your life with all of your gifts, challenges, and what keeps your in alignment. When Sofia’s clients start to live by this it gets rid of shoulds, criticism, and self judgment. And they start asking, “What is the best decision, for me?”
There are so many gems and delicious quotes in this podcast like these:
“Showing up is being true to who you are.”
“I need to stop fighting who I am and just lean into it.”
“Monday is a day for nourishing yourself, for moving slow, (and) for being introspective and tending to your emotional world.”
“We put so much pressure on ourselves to be the same (everyday) and we don’t have to be.”
I am excited to hear your thoughts! Listen on ITUNES + Spotify Please tag us @chefcarlacontreras + @sofiaadler_ on Instagram so we can continue the conversation with you. Use the hashtag #showupfullypodcast
Eat Well,
xo Chef Carla
PS: Curious about what it’s like to work like with Blair Badenhop to brand and feel at home in your business? And also have Sofia Adler’s incredible astrological forecasts & coaching! Head to checkout Your Wellness Brand. If you have any questions send me a DM @chefcarlacontreras
Note: I am an affiliate of Blair’s program, Your Wellness Brand. I receive a small percentage of the sale. I appreciate your support of my small Latinx & women owned business.
Wherever you are listening, please rate, review + subscribe to Show Up Fully. Send the podcast to your friends, post in your stories on Instagram & tag me @chefcarlacontreras and use the hashtag #showupfully
About Sofia Adler:
Sofia Adler is an astrology consultant who demystifies astrology so you can co-create with the stars, and design a unique, authentic life with ease. Former SoulCycle marketer turned entrepreneur.
Sofia interprets astrology into actionable insights and practical, tangible steps for her clients through a combination of her astrological expertise, intuitive gifts, MA in Clinical Psychology from Columbia University, and mindfulness meditation teacher training.
Find + Work With Sofia:
IG: @sofiaadler_
Website: www.sofiaadler.com
Full Transcript:
Hey, it's chef Carla and welcome to show up fully. This is a podcast where I share what it's like to show up for your real life if you don't know me I'm a food stylists photographer health and life coach. You can find me, it's Carla Conntreras on Instagram and more information in today's show notes. Today's episode is with Sophia Adler and I am so so excited Sophia to interview you because we met through Blair Badden Hops program and it's interesting I literally just had blair on the podcast. And we had such an incredible conversation and with you I can't wait to hear how you answer the questions about showing up I would love if you could introduce yourself and how you serve the world.
Yes, hi and hi Blair. You're the best. We. Love you? Um, hello everyone my name is sophia I am an astrology consultant I am a born andbred new yorker who now lives in Santa Fe New Mexico and what I do is help you demystify astrology. That you can co-create with the stars I am all about living a life of ease about leaning into all the support that you have all around you and that includes the cosmos. So. That's what I do I never thought that I would find myself. Being an astrologer I'm also meditation teacher and what I have found for myself is that astrology was the teacher that was waiting for me. You know there's that saying like when the student is ready. The teacher appears I was ready an astrology appeared.
Ah that's so beautiful I love that you mention that because I feel the same about astrology in my own life that it appeared and I remember each week in Blair's program ah your wellness brand. That you released a weekly astrology forecast and every single week that you released it I was like yes yes and it's like we were talking before we got on this podcast. It's a roadmap and I feel like it's so interesting that.
That Roadmap appeared when you were ready.
Yeah I am I actually was just talking to somebody about this. You know I was asked kind of how astrology how did you find yourself here and truly if I think back and like let's say my 18 year old self right? and what she would have thought. There is no way in the world that she ever would have predicted that I would now be an astrologer and I would be here talking to you? Um, you know I started studying astrology on a whim I used to work in marketing for a very well-known fitness startup. And I then went back to graduate school I got my master's in psychology I'm a meditation teacher as I mentioned earlier and I just decided to study astrology on a whim I've helped felt this paying a friend of mine had encouraged me to do something fun and so I started studying. It. Never thought that I would be common astrologer just thought it would really be something for personal enjoyment and then you know astrology had other plans I totally fell in love with it and it just took off I discovered that I was really good at it and it just felt easy. I've always been one to follow the breadcrumbs and kind of lean in to go with the flow rather than resisting which is part of why I love astrology so much because that's what astrology helps us to do. It's like let's make things easier less complicated more in alignment more in flow. Like you know it's like the cosmos are waiting for us if we are willing to listen. They're like okay we're here we're ready let us help you and the rest is history.
That's beautiful. So beautiful. Can I ask you what your last meal was um, woo that sounds delicious.
Yes I had a spinach chocolates smoothie. Thanks Yes, it's one of it's one of my go Tos and the trick is you'd probably definitely know this I add cauliflower to it because it makes it creamier.
Super creamy.
And then it you know I get all my veggies and it's like 1 of those things that brings me such joy.
Oh that's so beautiful I just created a whole I'll have to send it to you I just created a whole ebook on smoothies and sweet treats and cauliflower is definitely I have like all these like Smoothie tips in it and cauliflower is one of those things it makes it super creamy.
And delicious and gives it a richness that I don't even think that the banana actually does because most people put a banana in their smoothies but the cauliflower really adds this creaminess and it doesn't add any funky flavor which is amazing to.
I have.
Yeah I totally agree and I actually used to put bananas in my smoothies all the time and then my body decided it wanted a break from bananas. So I have actually not been putting bananas in my smoothie at all and I find them to be creamier actually so it's a great tip.
It is a great Tip. We're going to get into showing up and I'm so excited to ask you this question as an astrologer because I feel like you're going to have so many gems for us this podcast his named show up fully because. I Feel like we're told in different spaces. We're told in Health we're told in wellness we're told in business to show up but nobody really defines what that is and I would love to know how you define it and how you show up in your life.
Such a good question I Love it I'm so excited to be here. Um for me showing up is turning inwards it is the opposite I think of what people expect when they hear show up.
Thank you.
Right? Or when they think of show up in our society showing up to me feels like there's this big presence this you know, big extroverted presence of standing out and being seen and I believe that what it actually means to show up is to look within you. To be true to who you are because I believe that we are souls with bodies rather than bodies with Souls We are yes, having a human experience but we are part human and part Soul So showing up is being true to who you are and the way that I understand that my flavor on that is. How do you honor what your soul chose for you in this life. How do you honor the bigger picture of why you're here What you're meant for who you're meant to teach what you're meant to learn how you're meant to give back from the world and the only way that you can really show up and kind of own that bigness. Is to look within and for some people that might mean that they are forever introverted and forever more quiet and internal focused. So It's looking within so that it can be incredibly specific and personal to you.
Wow! This is mind blowing I don't think anyone has answered this question like this so far and everyone has their own answer to what showing up means for them. But I Do love this idea of the introspection. And really going inside to find the answers because at our core we all know the answers.
Yeah, and I think too like the question is who are you showing up for because it's easy to show up for other people based on their expectations based on societal expectations based on the shoulds and to me the core. Showing up is showing up for you right? So I'll say like the most optimal expression of showing up as I see it or the most genuine expression of showing up is that you're showing up for you and doing what's in alignment for you following your path following your dreams. Listening to your own whispers within and you can't do that unless you look inside first.
This is so beautiful Sophia and I want to bring this into astrology. How would we do that through the lens of astrology.
Such a good question so where I would say to start is to have an understanding of your own cosmic code and what I mean by that is to have an understanding of your own cosmic energetic makeup according to the stars in the planet. So. The way that we would do that is that you start by looking at your birth chart. You start by looking at where all the planets were in the sky the moment that you were born. The reason that that's significant is because first of all, it gives us a glimpse into the energy of the exact minute that you were born rather than just the day that you were born and the second. Reason is as I shared earlier I believe that we are souls first I believe that each of our souls chose this life chose to reincarnate for a reason and to that extent I believe that our souls choose the moment of birth. So your cosmic code. Your birth chart then becomes quite literally a cosmic roadmap for what you're here for it speaks to both your tools right in your toolkit for navigating this wild and crazy ride and also speaks to okay, what am I here for right like what? what matters. What is my path. What does keep me in alignment and so that's how we start to turn in words is to look at who we are on that deep soul level and take action in alignment with that.
I Love this and I'm gonna ask this I'm gonna go a little bit deeper because I'm just like I'm I'm so into astrology and I'm not gonna ask this specifically for me because I feel like I want this to be more general. What does it look like and you can maybe speak.
Yes, hit me on all the faint.
Speak to a client or someone that you work with what does it look like when someone knows this information when they unlock this information what happens in their life when they start to really live in alignment with this.
Oh home.
When my clients start to live in alignment with their cosmic codes. They are finally giving themselves permission to be themselves. There is no more shoulds. There is no more self- criticism There's no more self- judgmentdgment. It is really asking the question of what is the best decision for me I think the best example I can give is that I was doing a reading for a client of mine and you know we were kind of going through. All of his different energies because that's another thing to note about astrology is that oftentimes when you're not working 1 on 1 with an astrologer or really working deeply with astrology. We tend to kind of hone in on like oh just our sun sign and astrology becomes very generalized whereas in truth. The magic of astrology is how hyper specific it is and so I was talking to 1 of my clients about you know the many dynamics of the energies in his chart and I paused and I said you know how's this resonating? What's coming up for you and he said to me he goes. I've spent 40 years trying to tell myself that there was something wrong with me or that there was something to fix and what I'm hearing and taking from this is that I need to stop trying to fight who I really am and just lean into it.
That's incredible. What a gift.
Yeah, validation affirmation self-compassion I can speak to that for myself personally knowing my own astrological makeup and what makes me Tick has helped me. Love. All of the different parts of myself so that when I'm showing up as my best I understand why? and also when I'm human like everyone else and not showing up as my best I understand why and I'm not wasting time anymore on being self-critical about who I should be or could be or would be if X Y z. It's about leaning into who you already are.
It's such a beautiful way to look at life. It's such a beautiful way to live I'm going to ask you do you I mean for me personally and we talked about this before we hopped on the podcast I use astrology and.
Particularly the moon phases to guide my work to guide relationships to guide how I'm going to do a live how I'm going to do a podcast like all the things like do you use that in your personal life.
Yes, absolutely I look at what sign the moon is in I think working with the moon is a really great place for people to start because the moon represents what you need. It's what nourishes you the moon. So every planet. Is associated with a different part of the body and the moon is associated with the belly and the breasts. So the moon is what feeds you very apropos for your podcast and our conversation today and so when you have an understanding of what feeds you not only personally right from your cosmic code but then on a collective level. And you're like okay today the moon is in Scorpio this suggests that chances are I'm going to want to go deep I'm probably going to be feeling intense I might be really emotional today today is not the day to work on light projects today is maybe not the day to have phone calls with other people and to be all in and to focus. Again, it's about leaning into the energies that are all around you and are looking to support. You. So that's 1 main way that I work with the cosmos and then another way that I work with astrology is that I look at the cosmic energy of each day of the week so Mondays in particular have been the most transformational for me since I started doing this Monday is a moon day to continue with our theme monday is a day for nourishing yourself from moving slow for being introspective for. Tending to your emotional world. You know this man-made cycle and rhythm that Monday is guns blazing all in go go go. There's a reason that it doesn't feel good. It's because it's really counterintuitive and ever since I started leaning into the energetic makeup of Mondays. I'm happier I'm more at ease I'm more at peace I'm not stressed out on Sundays I sleep well Sunday nights and I have to tell you I am so productive I get so much done on Mondays because I've stopped telling myself the way that a Monday needs to look. And giving myself permission to be in flow. Not only has it changed the way I function on Mondays, but it's changed the way that I function for the entire week like so we're recording this on a Tuesday yesterday I had finished over half of my to do list by noon.
That's amazing.
And because I just look to the cosmos for help. It's not about you know I think a lot of times when people work with astrology. They think it's about what actions they should or shouldn't take and it's not It's not like that. It's more about what's the energy all around me and how can I let it. Help me right? So Mondays aren't because there are moon day a day to do no work That's not what it means but it is a day while you work to allow yourself to be in flow to move more slowly to be gentle to yourself and then the work feels easier.
I a hundred percent so this is interesting and I feel like this is like wildly in alignment because someone asked me how my Monday was going and I was like I'm a slow moving train because it's Monday and for me.
I give myself the grace and the permission that I move slow on Monday morning. But it also echoes when I was a restaurant chef I always had Mondays off that was my day and so. Mondays for me for I might for like 25 years have been really slow I go to brunch or I might make myself brunch or I do I do very slow things I might clean my house Xy and z. For me, it's a very slow moving day and yes am I doing work. Sure am I having some client phone calls sure like those things happen, but it happens at a pace that I love your word flow it flows. It's not something I'm like. Monday motivation I've kind of lost that I'm like all right I need to get rid of that because that is no longer in alignment with me, especially as I use the moon and use the days of the week as well to guide how i'm. Working and moving through this world.
Yes, and I think honestly if we were to talk about the big picture of using astrology in your life and in your business. It's that it reminds you that it is okay to have cycles and phases and not. Be the same all the time, especially as women we are taught that we're always supposed to be on our makeup is always supposed to be done. Our hair's supposed to look good right? We got to have the perfect lighting. The food's got to be on the table so on and you know our emotions have to be in check so on and so forth and. When you work with astrology and you understand that like the energy every single day sometimes even within the hour can change and it reminds you that you too are not a static being change is evolution change is iteration change is growth. Change is beautiful. So you know every single day of the week has a different energy The moon herself is always changing. She's cycling through 9 different phases consistently and that's okay, that's beautiful. We put so much pressure on ourselves to be the same and we don't have to be.
It's Incredible. It's incredible and anyone listening to this that it resonates I Definitely want to hear I want to hear about it because this is literally an alignment with how I live I want to shift the conversation because I'm really interested. In your answers to what you do when you don't want to show up because I think that this is an equally important part of the conversation that when we're told to show up and we're told to show up in all these ways and be the same every single day. What happens when we don't want to show up and.
I love this and I'm going to give a little spoiler of Blair's Podcast is that she really went deep into not being the same just like you. It was kind of it was really It's just like I love how in line the conversation is because. I feel like when we don't want to show up. There is a distinction between not wanting to show up because I don't know we want to take a nap or you know maybe we don't feel good but there's then there's like a difference with how. How we don't want to show up in terms of like if we can't show up like what happens when when we're very sick what happens when there is illness when there's death when there's things that are emergencies in our lives.
Like what happens when we actually can't and that kind of goes against the grain of being the same person every day because even if an emergency happened. Maybe we still want to show up like something happened with my kids but I'm still going to hop on this podcast and be the same person that. I always am like that doesn't make any sense but I I wanted to share that little part of Blair's Podcast because it was really I feel like it was really interesting and because you 2 have a working relationship I would love to know your perspective on that.
Yeah, my response to what to do when you just can't show up is very simple. Love yourself anyway, that's it when you believe in change when you give yourself permission to change. You remember that this 2 shall pass the days the times the moments that you don't want to show up. They're not forever. I had a meditation teacher once that said to me Sophia feeling bad is optional. Give yourself 9 seconds to feel bad and then move right along. So. You know as it relates to a meditation practice. What I see from my meditation clients is that more often than not what prevents them from saying consistent with the meditation practice is that they feel guilty that they stopped and it's a feeling guilty is optional just. Begin again start over. There are plenty of days that I don't want to show up I'm human just like everyone else and you know what I find that when I allow myself to be where I am and love myself anyway, that feeling of not wanting to show up of not wanting to. Perform or present or put my face on social media or send name or whatever it passes more quickly than if I resist it.
This is so interesting Can I bring it back to astrology. Okay.
Please Yes, it it relates to astrology as well. That just is like the that was the origin of where I like learned it and it's now like a through line through everything.
Um, yeah, that's amazing. It literally. It's like a through line to life in meditation astrology like all of these different things and I feel like.
Um, full.
The way that I understand astrology and you can correct me of course um is that those you know we can have shifts throughout the day right? We can have shifts throughout like even during this conversation. There's there can be shifts and.
Um, of 1
I Feel like it's interesting if we take that perspective and apply it to every single part of our life. What does that? do.
Um, totally and you know as it relates to astrology I find that when I don't want to show up. There's always a reason there's a I've never met a person that does not identify with their birth chart ever and it's because. They're able to see aspects of themselves within their cosmic makeup. So an example is you know the other week I was very obsessive and intense about this piece of content that I was working on and I was making myself miserable. And I didn't understand why and I was putting so much pressure on myself and then I tuned in I was like wait. What's happening astrologically again today and pluto was conjunct mercury that day. So for those who are listening if you're not super familiar with astrology mercury is the mind the way that we think the way we communicate speak learn all of that and then pluto is. Intense pluto is obsessive wants power and control and as soon as I saw that I was like oh duh of course I can I tell you I burst out laughing I went for a walk and I said I will do this tomorrow. It's like loving yourself energy for how you're showing up not feeling bad about it and then I think. You know, not always right? but 9 times out of 10 we can actually give ourselves permission to come back. We don't have to stick with it. We don't have to force it.
I Think that that's part of astrology too is that it's going to change it literally is going to. It's literally Yes, it's going to change and that we can always come back to something.
It has to change.
and and I'll speak to this like for podcasts and whatnot I've I've rescheduled ah I have one person who I've probably rescheduled with 6 times she reschedules with me I rescheduled with her and she we were laughing today of via email. We're like one day this will happen in divine timing. Like I feel like knowing astrology like gives me really great insight that it's probably not the right time.
Yeah, astrology helps you remember that everything is working out for you. It might not be working out in your human timing right? of like when you want it to happen. But it's all in motion. Everything is working out for you. We're all divinely guided. You know what? I always talk about with my clients is that we're part human and we're part soul and the benefit of astrology is that it is a tool in ancient wisdom that is here to support us in getting out of our own way because as humans we're wired for safety. We don't like change. We want things to be consistent and familiar because that feels safe. We know how to handle that it allows us to be in control whereas astrology. You know the different astrological events the moon cycles the days of the week the zodiac seasons it tends to our soul. And helps us get out of our own way because our souls didn't reincarnate and come back to stay the same. Our souls came back to evolve and grow and expand and that is inherently linked to change.
That is so beautiful I Love that it's inherently linked to change. It's a constant evolution like we are not the same every day and I feel like this is the the whole point of this podcast is that showing up fully.
The same.
Yes, and not to mention that showing up fully when you own and embrace and love all of you. You're not only showing up for you but you're showing up for everyone else because I guarantee.
Changes all the time.
The days that you show up even when you don't feel a hundred percent you are then giving somebody else the permission to not be perfect to not always be on their a game or at their best because I believe that at the end of the day all human. And want is to belong is to feel loved and to know though that in belonging and feeling loved. It's at their core. It's not for who they're pretending to be and so. The more that we do that for ourselves when you ask me like what do you do when you can't show up all the time or you don't want to and I said love yourself anyway, it starts with you when you love yourself when you embrace and honor all the facets of you you then do that for other people. You give them permission to do it for themselves. It's a ripple effect nothing that we ever do is insular. It's impacting people in ways that we can't even imagine we don't know it's impossible to know. Yeah.
And we're all connected. We're literally all connected and by us doing that small shift or that small act of showing up or not showing up either 1 We impact other people around us.
Um, absolutely, that's kind of fun to be honest, it's like oh I'm going to do this one thing today and who knows who it will affect or what it can affect or you know where it will go from here. It's not unlike creating content right? You put it out there. You create it and you have no idea who's going to see it. You have no idea what impact it's going to have on somebody.
I think that that's the beauty of it is that you never know what that photo what that video what that podcast will do for someone and what it will do for their you know their life their day. Might affect the relationship they might send it to a friend. They might send it to a family member like you never know how things are interconnected and I have one podcast with Vanessa Bowen and it was about money and co-creation of money and it's interesting. Saying because I'm so into Instagram it's my biggest platform but for her I was subscribed to her newsletter for ages and she and I finally I was like I want to have you on the podcast and I was like whoa I don't even follow you on Instagram and we talked about like the that. Sometimes with newsletters. We have no idea we're sending this out to people in the world like we get responses when it comes to social media. So we know like oh this many people liked it or this many people commented but a newsletter It's very interesting. you're sending it out to the void and you're like whoa what is. Happening from these words or content or whatever that I'm sharing. It's very interesting.
Um, yeah, absolutely and like what a gift right? That's such a to me that is such a beautiful example of the wonder and magic of not being in control like I often I talk a lot about the link between astrology and abundance. And as I see it Abundance is way more than money though. It can include money and wealth and it's this idea that anything is possible that the the things the ideas the Concepts the events that are so far out of your realm of understanding are still possible. That's what abundance is. And so there's like an abundant mindset that's associated with content and creation is that put it out there see what happens because chances are 9 times out of 10 if we only rely on our mind if we only rely on our human and we don't lean into the cosmos these energies that are all around us. We're really short changing and limiting the effects that we can have the reach that we can have the magic that we can create our brains can't process all of it.
So so magical I love this conversation I could talk to you for hours but exactly exactly I'm going to ask you Sophia how we can work with you.
Same same. Grab a cup of tea and call it a day rest of the afternoon.
How we can find you? How can we support you.
Yes, thank you? Um, follow me on Instagram it's at Sophia Adler Underscore I know it'll be in the show notes dm me send me a message I love to hear from everyone my moon and rising are an aquarius of community is huge for me. You can book a session with me via Instagram or on my website http://sophiaadler.com and I also have a mentorship program so it's a monthly mentorship called cosmic upgrade and I teach you how to co-create with those stars. It's like I always say to people. It's like having an astrologer in your pocket. So. That's the best way to work with me. Definitely again Instagram that's where I share all of my new exciting offers and stories I do astrological weather reports all the good stuff and I really look forward to being in touch.
Thank you so much Sophia anyone that's listening I would love if you could share this in any way that you like text message email create an Instagram story. I am so grateful for you coming on Sophia and I'm sending all of you love bye.
Thank you.